Friday, October 7, 2011

Spanx = happy bridesmaid

Well my fellow savvy foodies, if you read my post 'Forgive me Father, I ate carbs', the wedding I was stressing about is just 48 hours away.  I loaded up on spanx, with spares just in case I get a runner, and I am ready to go!  To my delight, the dress fits like a glove.  Those carbs I had been cursing and (simultaneously) consuming (it was a bit of a schizophrenic scene) didn't hang out on my hips, after all!  I have sucked and tucked everything into where it should be.  I am ready to roll.  The challenge will be to keep from bloating.  I'm going to drink plenty of water and steer clear of beer and salty treats.

I kicked my butt at the gym, have maintained my savvy foodie ways and now it's (nearly) party time!  It's great to have a goal.  Something to strive for.  To say, "Yeah!  I can do it!"  I must always remember, after the goal has been met, it's still my health I must always honor.  So I will let myself off the hook, every now and then.  But it's back on my horse come Monday morning.

I'm throwing this picture in for a good laugh!  Hope you enjoy and be good to yourself!!

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